Create Shared Values

AUO firmly believes that the company’s sustainability requires balanced development in economies, environments, and societies. Therefore, we continuously invest resources and efforts in the six significant aspects – corporate governance, environmental sustainability, science education, cultural preservation, social participation, and friendly workplaces. By offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress with stakeholders through multiple channels, we realize our vision of 「Go beyond CSR and create shared values.」

See how we go beyond CSR
Create Shared Values

Our Main Goal

EPS 2025

We focus on environmental sustainability, inclusive growth, and flexible innovation, the three sustainable development themes of AUO EPS (Environment, People, and Society). We are committed to achieving ten goals related to sustainable development by 2025. By working together with stakeholders to develop towards a diversified path, we hope to promote tolerance and growth together. In addition, we also leverage core technologies to improve the resilience of human life and encourage flexible innovation in society to work with partners to create a sustainable ecosystem.

Here we』ll be in 2025
EPS 2025 EPS 2025

2050 Net Zero Commitment

We actively respond to external advocacy initiatives and set Science Based Targets (SBT) to reduce total carbon emissions year by year. We follow the world trend and promise to achieve RE30 in 2030 and RE100 in 2050, gradually working towards net-zero. By formulating a strategic climate blueprint and considering the entire life cycle when developing a recycling production model, we improve energy efficiency while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, we are also continuously working with our value-chain partners to strengthen operations』 resilience, finding new business opportunities while moving towards sustainability.

Learn how we implement climate action

Focus on What Matters

Corporate Governance

Environmental Sustainability

Social Citizenship

Inclusive Workplace

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

A potent CSR strategy is rooted in an effective governing structure and associated policies, so we assemble the best candidates to be in the position to succeed and assess the CSR progress through objective measures.

Find out who they are
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

We take a proactive stance when it comes to environmental sustainability initiatives. These are reflected in our carbon reduction policies, energy-efficient production, and the factories we build, earning LEED distinction.

Green has no boundaries
Social Citizenship

Social Citizenship

Success is not possible without the support of the community. So, we actively partake in a wide range of social programs to give back to society, including cultural preservation, science education, environmental protection, and supporting local production.

How we support community
Inclusive Workplace

Inclusive Workplace

Our employees are our greatest assets. We want to foster a safe and inclusive environment conducive to fairness and equality, so coming to work would be an enjoyable, positive experience besides providing a place to learn and grow.

What we do for equal access

Awards & Recognition

See more awards and recognition
2023 Sustainability Report

2023 Sustainability Report

It has been a challenging few years for everyone, but in AUO, we have been driving our CSR diligently. So, it’s time to see what we have achieved so far.